Every six months the ITTF produces a new LARC (List of Authorised Racket Coverings). Only table tennis rubbers listed in the LARC can be used by players in tournaments.
Here are the rubbers that have been given ITTF approval starting October 1st, 2015. In total, 35 new rubbers have been added.
- Bomb Violent (In)
- Bomb Bombard (In)
- Bomb Raider (In)
- Bomb Apex (In)
- Bomb Mopha (In)
- Bomb Rex (In)
- Bomb Ufo (In)
- Bomb Tensa (In)
- Darker Anessis (In)
- Der-Materialspezialist Master-Anti (Anti)
- Der-Materialspezialist Killing Defender (In)
- Dingo Swiss Ding Yi (Out)
- Donic V-Storm (In)
- Eastfield A-Soft (In)
- Gambler Sevens (In)
- ITC Powercell RS (In)
- ITC Powercell MP (In)
- Joola Samba 19 (In)
- Joola Samba 27 (In)
- Reactor Ckylin (In)
- Sanwei Target Pro 40+ (In)
- Spinlord Gipfelsturm (Out)
- Stiga Genesis M (In)
- Stiga Genesis S (In)
- Tibhar Crazy Bull (In)
- TSP Regalis Red (In)
- TSP Regalis Blue (In)
- TSP Spectol Red (Out)
- TSP Spectol Blue (Out)
- TSP Spinpips Red (Out)
- TSP Spinpips Blue (Out)
- Xiom Musa III China (In)
- Xiom Vega Europe DF (In)
- Xiom Vega Asia DF (In)
- Yasaka Large Craft (Out)
Not loads going on in terms of big-name new releases on this list. Probably the Stiga Genesis series will be the most highly anticipated.
Eight of the new rubbers to be approved are from the brand “Bomb”. I have to admit I don’t know anything about these guys, but I’ll look into them.
My brand, Eastfield, has got its first rubber on the list. A-Soft is a soft sponge, medium tacky rubber that is aimed at those looking for a high-quality all-round rubber. I believe that the combination of a Japanese-style sponge with a Chinese topsheet is perfect for beginners and intermediate players looking to develop correct strokes and master the game. It should be released in early 2016.
That’s about it. The prize for best name goes to Tibhar for “Crazy Bull”.
You can download the ITTF’s LARC 2015B, as a PDF, by clicking here.